Saturday 18 May 2024

More gifting of quilts

 Over the last couple of years I have been trying to use up scraps, chunks and small stashes of RSC blocks, making quilts for charity and for my own stash so I have quilts on hand for any new babies in my acquaintance.

I had a pile of 24” square quilts, the size requested by our local hospital so took them to the Maternity ward when I went to the hospital for an ultrasound appointment yesterday.

Hope the babies enjoy them.

Joining up with Angela’s SoScrappy RSC blog

Monday 13 May 2024

Gifting a baby quilt

 I discovered at the end of last year that one of my former Primary School pupils was pregnant, the baby due mid January. I knew where Mum lived but didn’t have a phone number. About 6 weeks ago I managed to track this down via another contact but found the number was incorrect! By this time I was into my ill health problems again, two stays in hospital etc.

I rang our contact again and finally got the right phone number . I found out all the details I needed from the new Granny Julie  I was able to embroider the quilt label. 

All wrapped up and ready for me to deliver, once I have found a suitable time when Julie will be there to receive the parcel.

I had fun choosing which quilt to give baby Raya as I have been accumulating quite a stash over the past few years from Covid onwards. Many were made for the local Maternity Unit or Project Linus but unfortunately I haven’t found an opportunity to donate them. However this meant I had a lovely wide choice and decided on the Twinkling Stars quilt which was completed in October 2021.

And showing the backing. 

The quilt measures 36” square  but is bright and full of I Spy things to find. Ideal for a Tummy Time quilt.

Not done any actual sewing yet since my discharge from hospital. Still got several appointments ahead and my energy levels are zilch but embroidering the label reminded me what it felt to have a needle in my hand.

Saturday 17 February 2024

Red Wonky Stars quilt

 I am steadily working through collections of blocks, mainly the result of RSC projects.

I had a lot of Wonky Stars in various colours and have been using them up in several little quilts.

Red is this month’s chosen colour so I picked out 13 blocks to make a hospital baby quilt. I chose two cream neutrals from my stash and cut 12 x 4.75” squares. When trimmed my Wonky Stars measured 4.75” square. A narrow neutral border brought the quilt up to the required size of 24” square.

I had a large piece if wavy red striped fabric which I used for the backing and binding.

I machine quilted it and I’m really pleased with the result.

Linking up with Angela’s So Scrappy blog.

Saturday 3 February 2024

Another finish. A Wonky Quarter Log Cabin Quilt

 I made a great bright quilt based on one of Pola Quilting YouTube videos.

It’s Scrap Buster #10 Wonky Quarter Log Cabin #1

I love Pola’s style, using scraps, strips, recycled fabrics to create colourful quilts for charity, friends, family and so on. Pretty much what I do, although not so much recycled and I certainly don’t have the stash that Pola has. I enjoy seeing her hauls from the scrap store and how she deals with them. So efficiently too!

I watched the video and made a pile of quarter log quilt blocks using 2” lemon, bright yellow and vivid lime green squares. I so enjoyed the process. I watched how Pola tried out making a quilt by putting four blocks together in the middle and then going out from that centre.

 I had to do a lot of jiggling and measuring but it was such fun! 

Here’s my finished quilt, perhaps it should come with a warning to put sunglasses on before you view!

It measures 42” square. I quilted it with a design I saw on Pola’s Quilting. I have never have been brave enough to try before and I took Pola’s tip to go with the flow. I used a yellow thread - literally just had enough to finish the quilting and put the binding on.

Heres a view of the backing, a lovely bright jungle print.

No other quilting was done because I wasn’t very well and ended up in hospital on Friday. Hoping to go home tomorrow as the team has made great strides in sorting out my various problems.

Hope I manage to make a start on those Friendship Stars that I intended to do this week.

Joining up with Angela’s So scrappy RSC blog. Plenty of green in my quilt to qualify for RSC green theme.

Saturday 27 January 2024

Another Maternity Unit finish

 I decided to machine quilt this little String Quilt differently from the others in this series.

I used a decorative stitch which I was happy with.

After I made the previous String Quilt I had a length of pale blue binding left which I thought would JUST be enough to bind this quilt. Well, when I sewed it on I was about 1.5” short! So I rummaged around in my scraps and found a strip about that width so I “patched it in” and it worked perfectly.

Quite good I think!

I have also spent a lot of time on a very bright quilt of Quarter Log Cabins which I machine quilted and now waits for me to trim and bind. I hope to show you the finished quilt next week.

Not sure what to do next but I have lots of 2” and 2.5” strings that need processing so ‘I’m thinking of making some Friendship stars. We’ll see!

Linking with Angela’s  So Scrappy RSC blog.

Saturday 6 January 2024

3rd String Blocks flimsy

Having finished 2 baby String Blocks quilts at the end of December I discovered I still had a lot of strings leftover so I decided to start a 3rd one. For a little more variety I cut up some chunks from stash and made a flimsy.

That’s now waiting to be basted and machine quilted.

Still a lot of strings so I decided to make some quarter log cabins, using solid bright yellow, pale lemon and a lime green for the starter 2” blocks. I watched a youtube video by Pola quilting which gave me a starting idea for this next quilt which I’m aiming for around 40” square.

Joining up with Angela’s So scrappy blog.

Monday 1 January 2024

2 last finishes for 2023

 Happy New Year! Very best wishes for a healthy 2024, full of great sewing projects.

I finished two Maternity Unit quilts last night, hand sewing the binding down. Really pleased with them both. 

The first one used up more of the RSC Wonky stars. I have very few left, mainly red ones, so I think I will start making more as an RSC project this year. Whilst I was cutting binding for this quilt I also cut some 2” squares, ready for three yellow Wonky Stars kits.

It measures 25” square and I machine quilted it with a sort of spiky wave stitch across the block seams. On my machine it’s called G.
A couple of years ago I stocked up on backing when one of the quilt companies I favour had a sale. I decided to cut into it for the backing of this quilt.

I looked through my stash of novelty fabrics for the alternate blocks and managed to cut two squares from the last of my Winnie the Pooh fabric. I bought this fabric to make a Baby quilt for a friend’s newly born grandson Ben. He is now in his 3rd year at university! Time for that fabric to be completely used up I think! 

The second finished quilt was the second String Maternity Unit quilt. When I made the first I used a piece of leftover binding and added to it, using up all that particular blue solid. Enough for this quilt and also I think for another one.

Both quilts, side by side, don’t they look cute?

The trimmings from both of these quilts went into my String Basket along with some smaller chunks of scrap fabrics I cut into strings. I also cut the telephone directory papers for the foundations and also the central 1.5” white strips so I’m ready for another sewing session today.

I love making these small quilts, using up so many small scraps and strings as I make them.

Last year I made 16 quilts, many of them small Maternity Unit or Doll quilts. I gifted some straight away but others I have kept in my stash. I know a former pupil of mine is expecting a baby this month and I would love to gift her one of my quilts- I know baby will be a little girl and I have several to choose from! The rest will go to Project Linus.

Joining up with Angela’s SoScrappy RSC blog.