Saturday 2 December 2023

 A busy sewing week:

Pleased with my sewing this week. Firstly I finished the Dinosaur Quilt. It measures 47” square and is all machine quilted. I bought a piece of wavy rainbow coloured striped fabric two or three years ago and used it to back and bind this quilt. I am delighted with the result. I am going to keep this in my cupboard until another baby arrives somewhere. I like to keep a small stash aside for such purposes.

Other photos:

I also sewed together the rows of my  RSC Strippy Quilt. It looks great and is now ready for a good press so it can be basted and machine quilted.

I started to make two cushion covers for a friend who now had special seat pads in the two armchairs in her lounge. Their plastic covering didn’t appeal to her so she asked if I could make some nicer covers.

I follow Pola’s Quilting Youtube and saw a great block pattern which I loved. Pola uses lots of scrap fabrics including recyled shirts so I used an old shirt of my husband’s and bright leftover Jelly Roll strips. 

One block made

And seven others being constructed.

Hoping to get these finished this week.

Joining with Angela’s So Scrappy blog.


  1. The dinosaur quilt is such a fun finish! The backing you used is definitely perfect for it, and for the binding, too. That is so kind of you to make new cushion covers for your friend!

  2. I love the Dino quilt and the rainbow backing/binding. It’s absolutely perfect and gender neutral, so I can see why you want to hold on to it! The use of your hubby’s shirt as background for the brightly pieced squares is pitch perfect! I think it’s going to be a smashing finish!!

  3. What a great idea to maintain a stash of baby quilts so you always a few on hand in a pinch.

  4. Congrats on the adorable dinosaur quilt! I love how the scraps chain across it.

  5. Hi Linda, I have been reading your posts but having got around to commenting. I have been in a slump which I will work on in the new year. Things have to be better next year. You are an inspiration with what you achieve.
