Sunday 22 October 2023

Work in progress and another finish

 When I was making my Piccadilly Quilt I found I had made 10 Star blocks instead of the 9 the pattern required. Whenever possible I am trying to use up scraps and leftovers as they occur so I decided to turn the extra block into the centre of a small Medallion Quilt for the local Maternity Unit. I also incorporated some of the leftover HSTs as a border. I have finished the machine quilting and made the binding but I want to echo quilt around the Star with Perle thread so I will work on this during the coming week.

I just managed to finish my third Dolly Quilt to post it to our little great niece Maggie in time for her 4th birthday last Friday.

And the reverse, a lemon coloured small gingham fabric. 

I was happy with how all three quilts turned out but this is definitely my favourite. Very fresh looking with the greens and yellows.


  1. Such a lovely quilt made by using leftover blocks and HSTs, always a good idea to save these extra blocks or other pieces. Another sweet Dolly Quilt, are the dollies and teddies hand or machine appliqued Linda?

  2. Yes, a delightful way to use up that extra block. Glad the cute little dolly quilt made it to the birthday girl in time.
