Friday 13 October 2023

Second Dolly Quilt finish

 I have finished a second Dolly Quilt for our great niece Seren’s 3rd birthday. Same design as the first Dolly Quilt but in different colours and fabrics. 

The name Seren means Star in Welsh so I thought the pale pink shooting stars fabrics for sashing and borders was ideal. 

It’s a dull grey day here so the colours look drab in this photograph. 

I used the same dusky pink with tiny white stars fabric for both the backing and binding.

I have now got to work quickly to make another one for our other little great niece Maggie’s 4th birthday on 20th October. Maggie and Seren are cousins who live near each other so they will be able to compare Dolly Quilts.

I also finished another quilt which has taken me months to do, mainly because I haven’t been in the best of health for well over a year and haven’t had much sewing mojo.

It’s a Jo Kramer quilt, which she showed on her blog and also made some videos for Youtube. I used the same colour combination as Jo did, greens and blues. I didn’t add the extra border that Jo did as the quilt would then have been too large for me to baste. The pattern is called Piccadilly Circus.

It finished at 42” square, the baby quilt size I prefer.

A couple of close ups of some of the blocks:

By mistake I made an extra Star block which I’ve turned into a 24” square quilt for our local Maternity Unit. It’s basted but I have to quilt and bind it. Once Dolly Quilt 3 is done I’ll finish this Star Quilt.

So, a productive week for me. 


  1. You have done so well considering your past year. Love the use of scraps.

  2. Thanks, I think it’s a great pattern.

  3. What an adorable dolly quilt! It's just perfect, and I'm sure your grand niece will love it! I also like your take on Jo Kramer's Piccadilly Circus quilt. It's one I want to try sometime. I also like to make my donation baby quilts 42 in. wide or less. Then I don't have to piece the backing! Have a good week!
