Friday 26 April 2019

Sunshine Lotto Flimsy

Quite a while ago I won two sets of Sunshine Lotto Quilts, one blue and yellow, the other were a variety of green blocks.  I put them away and then my conscience nagged away at me and I felt I needed to start to use some of them.  There is quite a variety of blocks designs and other colours and patterns in the different blocks so I picked 12 which I thought hung together, used a solid white sashing and corner stones from a blue with a tiny white spot.

So, here’s my flimsy

I now have to cut some batting and find a piece of fabric big enough for the backing which will probably have to be pieced. Large pieces of fabric I don’t have in my stash. I know lots of fellow bloggers always seem to have a thrifted sheet on hand but that’s something I don’t have! Perhaps I should trawl our town’s Charity Shops tomorrow and see if I can get lucky! We’ll see!

I am intending to turn this into a flimsy for Siblings Together, a Charity I have supported in the past but not recently.

Thursday 25 April 2019

Sawtooth Stars, using RSC aqua

Another idea for RSC blocks I found on Cathy’s blog was Sawtooth Stars. She used Crumb centres, I’ve tried them out using novelty-style fabrics.

I had a little time to “play” yesterday and this was the result :

I didn’t have much aqua coloured fabrics but I was enjoying myself so much I made two more blocks using some green leftover fabrics:

I’m hooked so off now to try a couple with Crumby centres!

Oh, Cathy, the things you tempt me to try!

Monday 15 April 2019

Following blogs = Inspiration!

I have followed Cathy's  blog: Sane Crazy Crumby Quilting for a really long time.  Love the way she uses every little scrap of fabric- a lady after my own heart! I have made a few of the blocks she makes, usually as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge run by Angela on So Scrappy blog.

One of her recent blocks which is already a flimsy is Crumby Yummies Candy which you can see on her recent Q2 Finish-Along Goals blog post. I loved the block and the finished flimsy is lovely. Cathy gave a few clues as to how the block was constructed so I decided to do the maths - or as Cathy would say "The Math". I have made 8 blue Crumby Yummies Candy blocks. Eventually I hope to have a flimsy as well.

Thanks, Cathy, for your inspiration! I know I'll never meet you, you live in Iowa USA and I live in Warwickshire UK but I feel we are "joined" in some weird way. We both love scraps, and I think we have a similar humour after we exchange comments on her blog. 
Another Scrap Quilt on the way!
Thanks Cathy! 🤗

Sunday 14 April 2019

Finally...............some sewing!

I haven't even picked up a needle for over two weeks. That seems very strange.
Two weeks ago we were in Singapore where the temperature was 30C with high humidity. Then the long flight back to London to be met by a sunny day, but cold, only 12C.
Since then we have had several frosts and temperatures down to 2C!

So, why haven't I been sewing? Unpacking, washing and ironing and finding places for everything we brought home from NZ.
Also we have been on family duty supporting our daughter who had an operation on her spine three days after we arrived home. Transporting our granddaughter to and from school and to all her myriad of after school activities. So, no time to sew until yesterday afternoon when I thoroughly enjoyed myself making two drawstring Patchwork bags. (Pink Penguin blog tutorial).
My granddaughter was very keen for me to make these, one for herself and one for Mummy. She picked  out and arranged all the fabric squares for her own bag (initial A) and the squares for the front of the second bag (initial C) and then we ran out of time before I drove her to another of her activities.

However, both now finished:

The fronts

And backs

Hope they are well received when I see A tomorrow.

And to finish, a photograph of the Palm Cross I received at church this morning.

As I walked home along the shortcut path I take beside a little copse I spied some bluebells, the first I've seen this year. I took a photograph on my phone but not sure how to add that to my blog post.

More sewing this afternoon I hope.