Sunday, 30 September 2018

Beautiful gifted scraps, saturated colour!

My Patchwork friends know I adore bright  colours and scraps! I wasn't able to attend my Monday Group but three bags of scraps were passed onto me from one of those members a couple of days later. This bag of narrow strips, around 0.75" wide particularly excited me. What stunning colours!, I think they may be  Kaffe Fassett fabrics and I was eager to jump into them. This afternoon I felt I needed some sewing therapy so disappeared into my Sewing Room and sewed up 4.5" strip blocks using squares cut from telephone directory pages for a basis. I used small triangles from another of the bag of scraps for the last piece of each end of the strippy square. I'm thrilled with these colourful blocks, trimmed and ready for me to de-paper this evening whilst I watch Strictly Come Dancing Results on TV. I have three different projects in mind for using these little blocks and have a few more strips left to make a few more blocks.

The saying "Small things please simple minds" springs to mind but I'm a happy bunny after a couple of hours sewing and trimming!

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Windfalls, foraging and thrifting

I always enjoy finding ways of thrifting and I found a few windfalls in our garden from our apple tree. Only one branch fruited this year,very high up so windfalls are our only crop! A neighbour's tree drops windfalls over the path so these are the combined fruits. 
In the bag are lots  collected from another tree on the roadside near our house. I've now stewed them,

Some eaten with the foraged blackberries, picked with our granddaughter a few weeks ago, the rest bagged in the freezer for future enjoyment. 

Thursday, 20 September 2018

A forgotten quilt,now called Flying High

Our daughter's friend had a third son at the beginning of the month and as I gifted quilts to her other two babies I needed to make a quilt for Number 3. Before I started to make a new quilt I thought I would have a look through my stash of finished Quilts and found a little beauty which I have called Flying High. I remember buying the aeroplane fabric at the Festival of Quilts some years ago but have no idea when I made this baby quilt. I looked through my Flickr page as I use this as a record of my quilts and other craft projects. But it seems as though I didn't photograph it either so I still don't know when it was made. However I think it's great for baby Auden so I will be mailing it to him and his proud Mummy and Daddy tomorrow.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

My Fidget Quilt is finished

Earlier in the year the organiser of  my Patchwork Group brought to our attention an article about 
Fidget Quilts which help people suffering from dementia. She suggested that we tried to make some and members contributed orphan blocks, zips, beads, buttons, fleece and so on for us to add to our stashes.
I actually found this difficult but here's my finished offering. Backed with a lovely blue fleece, lots to
do and feel and look at. I crocheted  the orange rose using a You Tube video, bought little teddy from Oxfam, used a plastic coated ladybird square I had had in my stash for ages - a  nice  shiny "feely" square. A heart from a stiff net-like piece on top of a contrast fabric.

Little teddy is on a ribbon, press stud fastening so he can be taken off when the quilt is washed. The button to cover the stitching was chosen by my granddaughter.

In the end I'm happy with the result.

Saturday, 8 September 2018

RSC18 - using the blues

RSC18 colour for September is Dark blue.
After I finished trimming my Ticky Tacky houses yesterday I had a few minutes to spare before I needed to make dinner so I decided to add a few more Roman Stripe blocks to my stash. This is another Cathy inspired block. I have a handful of cream solids cut to the right size and a biscuit tin of 1.5" squares stashed in colour piles so it was only a minute's job to sort out the dark blues. I had enough for 4 blocks. Now have a total of 39 Roman Stripe blocks.

Linking with RSC18 

Ticky Tacky houses inspired by Cathy

A few Ticky Tacky houses like the ones I admired on Cathy's blog: Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting.

I had both the Easy Angle and Companion Angle rulers which I have never used. I know Cathy uses special rulers to cut triangles from more friendly-sized strips, for instance 2" rather than weird  sizes involving eighths inches so I followed Bonnie Hunter's YouTube tutorial and managed OK.
Not all exactly the same size but that's OK. I can use them somehow in future projects. I was raring to try them out. I love little Scrappy houses, and these remind me of the work of Gwen Marston and Freddie Moran whom I've always admired.

Thanks for the idea, Cathy😊😊