The SV Swap was organised through Gnome Angel ( ) but managed via swap-bot which worked like clockwork! As soon as the deadline for registering as a participant expired I received an email linking me to their website and discovered the names and addresses of the three people I had to send my sets of squares to. This was the International Swap and 80 people had signed up for it. My three partners were from three different continents........ Europe (Germany), Australia and North America (Canada). All very exciting. You can keep track of who has sent their packages via swap-bot and I know my Canadian partner has sent her packages out. What I am not sure about it whether the folk I send to actually send their sets to me. We shall find out when our Postlady, Julie, starts popping packages through our letterbox!
This swap reminded me of when I was about 11 years old........ a very long time ago!...... when I registered with the girls' comic School Friend for a penfriend living in another country. I was really disappointed when I ws given the name of a girl living in Yorkshire! However, we happily corresponded for about fifteen years and then, sadly, lost touch.
I have had quite a productive few days, managing to finish another little Crumb Quilt and I am ready to bind another one. I have also sandwiched the Siblings Together Project quilt, a job I heartily dislike. Difficult to do as I don't have a large table or a hard floor so I crawl around the bedroom floor trying to pin the layers together without getting loads of creases. Very tiring and time consuming! Anyway, it is now ready for me to start the hand quilting.
My church is again taking part in the Samaritan's Purse Shoebox Scheme. You pack a Christmas paper-wrapped shoebox with gifts for a child in parts of the world where they wouldn't receive any Christmas gifts. You decide whether to make up a box of little gifts suitable for a boy or girl and the age range you have aimed the parcel for. Gifts can be little toys, toiletries, warm hats, scarves, gloves, etc. We were provided with a knitting pattern for a simple Beanie and I have enjoyed making two so far. They look very pretty in the variagated white/pink/mauve wool I chose. I'll make a few more which can be popped into other Shoeboxes. I now need to shop for some little gifts, hair slides, crayons, soft toy etc. Good fun, the sort of shopping I enjoy.
And another photo showing back and front.
Off now to get ready to go to a friend's for coffee. Haven't seen her since she returned from holiday so lots to catch up on!